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TWC Lawyers: Reputable, Reliable Drug Crime Lawyers

Drug charges are serious and depending on the exact charge could lead to imprisonment for up to 25 years. Having a drug crime lawyer by your side during a police investigation or questioning is critical. In fact, TWC Lawyers suggest that you stick to the number one rule which is don’t speak to anybody but us relating to your case.

Drug Crimes Generally

There are a lot of different kinds of drug crimes, with many possible outcomes.

The main differences between the different drug charges that criminal lawyers handle is usually:

  • The type of drug;
  • The purity/ quantity of the drug; and
  • What the police say you’ve done with the drug.

There are a wide range of prohibited drugs that can be the subject of an alleged crime. That might include:

  • LSD
  • Ecstasy or similar “party” drugs
  • Cannabis/marijuana
  • Steroids if used illegally
  • LSD
  • Amphetamines like speed and methamphetamines like ice
  • Heroin
  • Cocaine

Whatever the type of drug though, drug crimes are serious in Queensland with substantial maximum penalties.
Below are a few common charges that criminal lawyers like TWC deal with regularly.

Benefits of Hiring a Drug Lawyer In Brisbane and the Gold Coast

Drug charges include possession, supply and trafficking. Whether the police have called you in for a friendly chat or you’re actively being investigated or have officially been charged, it helps to have a drug defence lawyer in your corner. Having the knowledge and experience of a lawyer can help change the outcome of a case.

  • The law is extremely complex and dynamic. It is continuously updated, and you can save yourself the stress, time and disruption to your professional and private life by hiring a qualified drug crime lawyer. Our lawyers study for several years to thoroughly understand the law of the land and with their training can help you deal with a drug charge.
  • There is a misconception about lawyers being too expensive to hire. The problem with that is you place yourself at risk if you go through a case unrepresented. Without a professional lawyer by your side, you could be falsely charged, found guilty when innocent, sentenced to prison when you shouldn’t, have your driver’s license revoked, get your employment terminated and forced to disclose your criminal record for future employment opportunities.
  • Going into a trial unrepresented is ill-advised, especially because ordinary citizens don’t know what relevant questions to ask a witness or the rules pertaining to the presentation of evidence. A qualified lawyer possesses the skills to introduce evidence and cross-examines witnesses in a way that is strategic and benefits you in the outcome of the case.

What to Expect from TWC Lawyers as Brisbane and Gold Coast Drug Lawyers

We have two offices in Queensland, one in Brisbane and the other in Gold Coast. When you require a reliable team to help with any legal issue, we should be your first and only stop.

  • Our team is extremely knowledgeable in our field. We evaluate your case to determine the best possible way forward. As a result, we provide you with solid advice that you can depend on with your legal battle. We eliminate the confusion of legalese and explain matters to you in plain language that you understand.
  • As far as that misconception of lawyers being expensive goes, we eradicate it by working on a fixed fee basis. You don’t have to concern yourself about your legal fees spiralling out of control as your case continues. Regardless of the offence, we’ll supply you with an invoice, so you’re aware of the costs.
  • Aside from drug crime, our team practices franchise law, traffic law, family law, property law, criminal law and conveyancing.
To make a free appointment and get a quote, get in touch.