For Franchisors
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If you’re a franchisor, then you have specific needs when setting up an initial franchise and after as you expand your business. Mostly (and we get this) you just want to minimise the time and hassle of on-boarding new franchisees – as this maximises your cash flow and minimises disruption to you and your network.
Document Creation and Setup
The most fundamental need for a new franchisor is to set up your agreements, documentation and process so that you’re fully compliant with the Franchising Code of Conduct.
Failing to comply with the regulations here can have significant consequences that you might not find out about until years down the line, so let’s get it right from the start.
On-boarding New Franchisees
Nothing is more annoying that having a potential franchisee who’s raring to go waiting 4 weeks for your lawyers to prepare documents and snail mail them out. It costs you money, reduces your franchisee’s enthusiasm for the business and makes you look bad.
Our process for on-boarding new franchisees is designed to be as efficient as possible, ensuring that:
- Your franchisee has a great experience;
- You’re fully compliant with the Franchising Code of Conduct; and
- Your new franchisee can get into business as quickly as possible.